Studies of biomolecule folding and dynamics on multiple time scales
J. Tuszynski
› Mesoscale properties emerge from the molecular dynamics of a biomolecular condensate - Nicola Galvanetto, University of Zurich
10:20-11:00 (40min)
› Spatio-temporal dynamics of the proton motive force on single bacterial cells - Francesco Pedaci, Centre de Biologie Structurale [Montpellier]
11:00-11:30 (30min)
› Signature of (anti)cooperativity in the stochastic fluctuations of small systems: application to the mechano-sensitive assembly of the bacterial flagellar motor - Nils-Ole Walliser, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C), University of Montpellier
11:30-12:00 (30min)